Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Journal 10

Science vs. Religion is a very touchy topic in many different circles for obvious reasons. Although there are some religious people who are also prominent scientists, most of the time science and religion do not exactly go hand in hand.

When someone is a firm believer and user of the laws of science, these people tend to have very factual and intellectual minds. I would say that most scientific people are probably a type green or gold personality. They strictly follow the rules of science set before them and they think that everything that exists should be able to be explained scientifically somehow. For this reason, they have a very hard time believing that anything such as religion could possibly be real. To them if it cannot be scientifically proved then it must not exist.

Now on the other side of the spectrum are the religious types who live their lives based upon faith. They would be classified as more of a blue or an orange personality in my opinion. They do not always have to have cold hard facts to believe in something. For this reason, if they are able to believe that there is something in the world that is not meant to be explained but is to be believed, they might find themselves thinking that there are other things that can not be explained by science either. Because they do not believe in the explanation and logic of everything, these people will often butt heads with those who are of scientific minds.

Of course there can also be a happy medium. Some believe that there are ways to in fact prove that God exists or at least disprove that evolution happened on its own. When I was in middle school I read a book about a firm believer in evolution changing their ways and believing in God purely based upon scientific grounds. For example, the moon moves a quarter of an inch further away from the earth every year. If one is to assume this has happened consistently since the beginning of time, the earth could not possibly be as old as scientists claim because the moon would have been touching the earth at some point.

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