Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Journal 9

I think personally that organized religion causes more problems then it solves. Even personally, as a Christian, I still think that religion pushes people away rather than pulling them in. People in generally do not like to be told what they have to do or what they have to say, and they do not like being told what they cannot do either. So when you bring people into a religion and you tell them all of those things, their human reaction is going to be to rebel against the constraints and, therefore, the religion.

It has been scientifically proven that there is a place in our brains that is naturally wired to seek a higher power. Some part of us just naturally wants to believe that there is something bigger beyond what we can see. With as much trouble as there is in the world it is natural for humans to seek a way to believe that somebody who knows what they are doing is over it all and it will all be okay. This inborn instinct drives people towards other people who also believe in a higher power. Unfortunately, once the label religion is placed on what the people are doing, that is when they tend to want to get out.

The best form of belief and carrying out the requirements of said belief is in doing it yourself instead of doing it because people tell you to. In my opinion, although the church that I go to classifies me as a Christian, one should approach faith as a personal decision rather than a requirement.

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that being a Christian should be a personal choice. It is not fair to have to be something. You are who you choose to be, Christian, Atheist, or Pastafarian.
