Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Journal 7

The only superstitions that I really follow are not a typical superstition at all. I am kind of weird because the superstitions I believe in are ones I've made up in my own head not ones that are typical such as your black cat or broken mirror superstitions.

One of the "superstitions" that I follow is I always set my alarm clock for waking up in the morning on an odd number that does not end in five. For example, I usually wake up at 6:41, 6:43, 6:47, 6:49, or 6:51. I do not remember why exactly I started with this but I think it was because for a certain amount of time for some reason I noticed that whenever I woke up on an even minute I had a bad day and when I woke up on and odd one I had a good day. Now, obviously, since I wake up on an odd number every day and it is impossible for me to have a great day every day, I am smart enough to realize that there is no way the number I wake up on can affect my day. Nevertheless, I still hang onto that pattern or quirk, if you will, of waking up on an odd number. The thought of setting my clock for an uneven number just makes me uneasy somehow.

I guess the only other superstitions I have would be good superstitions in a way. Basically I believe that 13 and 34 are my lucky numbers. Thirty-four has been my basketball number since sixth grade and it was my mom's all the way through high school so it is special to me even if it is not necessarily lucky. The number thirteen has always just intrigued me because everybody thinks it is unlucky but I happen to like it. So instead of avoiding it like some people to do I tend to gravitate towards it. I even purposefully sit in seat thirteen on the bus whenever I can, and I'll have you know nothing bad has ever happened to me in seat thirteen.

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