Monday, September 13, 2010

Journal 6

There are a lot of possible repercussions for blaming someone else for something they did not do. One example is that you will be find out. If the situation is something complicated it is very difficult to cover your tracks and have all of your bases covered, especially to the point where you cannot be found out if the person you blame gets really mad for being blamed. In some cases if it is not that big of a deal the person you blame might just let it go and accept responsibility because it is not something that really matters. But if it's a situation where it's something that they really do not wanna be blamed for then you could run into a lot of problems, especially if the person you blame is not exactly a pushover.

One major thing that you could lose from blaming someone else for something you did is all credibility that you might hold with the person you lie to. For example if I lied to my mom and blamed something I did on my brother and she figured it out then it would be very difficult for me to every gain her trust back. And if somewhere down the road another instance happened and this time he really was the one to blame and not me, it might be difficult for me to convince her that that time it really was not my fault.

Another reason is that you never know how the other person is going to be punished for what you blamed them for. If you blame someone for something and they get seriously reprimanded for it, if you have any trace of compassion in you whatsoever it is going to bother you as you witness what happens to them. The guilt will start to eat away at you until you cannot stand it anymore and you have to confess your guilt. And more times then not when you confess your guilt the person you lied to is going to be significantly more angry with you for lying to them then they would have been if you just told the truth in the first place.

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