Thursday, September 9, 2010

Journal 5

Unfortunately I think that taking away Facebook is a pretty good idea. I don't agree as much with taking away cell phones because when you take away a teenager's cell phone you take away a very important tool they probably use for more than just keeping in contact with their friends. These days cell phones are used for everything. I personally use my cell phone for keeping in contact with my friends for social reasons but also for getting in contact when I have problems with my homework. With the difficult load of classes that I have these days, that kind of situation arises pretty often. I also use my calculator for simple calculations when I am doing my homework and do not need a scientific calculator to do them. Since I always have my phone it is convenient to just use it instead of locating my calculator.

I also use my phone as a GPS at times. I have a maps app that enables me to search a certain address and it tells me how to get there and how long it is going to take me.

I also use my phone to look up anything and everything I need to look up. It's very handy for research if I do not have a computer nearby to be able to look anything up on. My parents also find themselves often asking me to look something up for them that they needed.

Also they clearly need to get into contact with me a lot because I have after-school sports and schedule changes and last-minute decisions that I have to run by them. If they took my phone away they would not be able to do that. Overall it would end up being just as much of an inconvenience and punishment to them as it was to me.

I think taking away Facebook is the best option. I am constantly on Facebook on my phone and I would feel really weird if I went several days without being on Facebook. Another smart punishment is not allowing me to go out and spend time with my friends on the weekends.

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