Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Journal 4

For the most part I actually really hate going on long car trips. My family does not have the greatest track record as far as long car trips are concerned. Usually we all end up fighting and screaming followed by not talking at all. The problem is that there are so many people in my family. There are six of us, obviously four being kids. And when you decide to go on a sixteen hour trip to Florida with four kids you are going to run into some problems as the trip progresses. First of all, about every ten minutes somebody new decides they have to go to the bathroom. Also there is the question of everybody being thirsty and hungry and tired all at different times. Somebody will want to watch a movie while somebody else wants to go to sleep and complains that the noise is too much for them while they are trying to sleep.

Then there is the question of who gets to sit in the front seat and the back seat of the car. Everybody always wants to sit in the front seat because supposedly it is the best place to be. But then those who are banished to the back are mad that they are back there so they get revenge by kicking the seat of the person sitting in front of them. Then, of course, comes the yelling for mom to tell them to stop and then mom gets mad which makes dad mad which makes the entire car corrupt into a huge angry fury. It's a good time.

I think the only thing long car trips have done for me is make me realize that movies lie and they are not in fact bonding experiences. Nobody learns anything like they do in movies and everybody does not have a newfound respect for each other at the end. On the contrary, when you get back everybody is mad and hates each other's guts and it's just an all-around good time. When I grow up and have a family we are definitely taking a plane so we can actually at least tolerate each other for at least the beginning of our vacation.

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