Thursday, September 2, 2010

Journal 3

It would obviously be incredibly scary to be held hostage in any form, but I think in a way it could also be fun. When I get scared I become somewhat of a smart alack and that would probably get me into trouble in that sort of case, but maybe I would get so annoying they would just decide to let me go. Or they would kill me. Then there is that.

Truthfully I think I would be pretty scared if I got kidnapped. I'm pretty good in high pressure situations though so I think I would end up coming with something. It would probably be something crazy that only had like a .01% chance of working but at least it would be something. I'd like to think I wouldn't be so scared that I'd just sit around doing nothing. I would also like to think that I wouldn't just submit to whatever my captor wanted me to do and go along with whatever they said. I'm not built to take orders very well. I would like to think I would hold onto my beliefs through everything even if I was tortured or whatever.

There is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that says that you never know how strong a woman is until you put her in hot water. I have always found this quote incredibly insightful and I think that it would definitely apply in this instance. Because the truth is, no matter how I think I would respond in a high-pressure situation such as being kidnapped, you can never truly know until the situation actually happens to you. For all you know it could end up going the exact opposite way of what you expected. Maybe I would be have more clarity and be braver than I think in that situation, or perhaps I would be more of a coward and instead ashamed of the way I would handle it. Who really knows?

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