Friday, October 1, 2010

Journal 11

Values and ethics are also a really important part of who you are as a person. They determine how you act in society and towards others and what you are or are not willing to do as a person.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is the people with less ethics and values who succeed in life because there are not a lot of lengths they are not willing to go to to get what they want. Business people are typically those who do not have high morals and values. Succeeding in the business world involves a lot of backstabbing and secret deals that disable your conscience.

Those who stick to their beliefs whether or not it hurts them in the long run would be considered to have high ethics and values. Unfortunately these people are taken advantage of by those who do not have high ethics.

Religious people are considered to have high morals and values, or at least they are supposed to. Morals are the foundation of any religion. Morals are what keep people in line or on the right track. If our society today did not have any morals at all everything would be insane. Crime would run rampant because everybody would do whatever they wanted without feeling any guilt and nobody would assist those were being wronged because they would not have the values necessary to help out. It is a scary thought to think about if nobody had any morals or values at all. I picture the kind of world that you see in movies where everything is black and there are fires and black buildings and empty streets everywhere. There would also be graffiti on all of the buildings and kids would be running around with guns. It's pretty creepy really.

Basically the moral of the story is ethics and values are very important to our society, however small. Even if there's not much of them, some is still infinitely better than none at all.

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