Monday, September 20, 2010

Journal 8

I thought that the clip "The Impotence of Proofreading" was an ingenius way to get the point of how important proofreading is across. A lot of the times people think that proofreading is not really necessary because even if they make a mistake here or there they will just lose a couple points and be done with it. The thing that people do not realize though is that you could get yourself into a really embarrassing situation if you do not proofread. There are so many possibilites for you to type out something embarrassing by accident and not ever realize it because the word you type is an actual word and therefore not something that the computer would detect.

It was also smart of the clip creator to use funny examples of what could go wrong to keep the viewer engaged. It's a lot easier to watch a video that is trying to explain to you some kind of important topic about writing when it is actually something interesting. Most videos of handouts we get that talk about proofreading and all of that stuff are so boring they kinda make me wanna scream a little bit. But this one I paid attention to the whole time--okay, granted it lasted like five minutes and that does not take that much of an attention span-- but still, I actually absorbed the point that they were trying to get across, and that is the whole point of the clip anyway, is it not?

Another reason you should make sure you proofread is because you never know when your idiot friends are going to type something they think is funny into your paper and you won't catch it. Usually they probably think you will catch it and aren't actually trying to make you look like an idiot, but sometimes that happens anyway. And chances are your teacher is not going to find it anywhere near as amusing as your friend did. (Ahem, Jesus/Paco/Matt)

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