Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Journal 12

Most of the time I don't enjoy working with partners. If I work with a partner it's usually someone I actually like, which means I get absolutely nothing done, or it's with someone I dislike and that is just an unpleasant situation in general. I do not like working in partners because most of the time one person does all the work and the other person sits there and talks or does nothing. It is difficult to find two partners that work at the exact same speed so usually one of the partners works faster and therefore supplies the answers to the first partner in order to keep them up to speed. Although this would seem nice to the second partner in this scenario, I would much prefer to be the person doing all the work. First of all, I trust myself and my own work more than I trust anyone else's work, no matter how smart they are. Second of all, I am aware of exactly how much it actually hurts you to just copy and move on. You never learn the lesson and then later on during a test or quiz you have no idea what's going on and therefore you receive a bad grade. It is much more beneficial to simply do the work yourself.

Another downside to working with a partner is that you tend to compete with the other partner to get the problems done first. Nobody likes to be the slower partner or feel inferior to the other. Therefore, both partners tend to rush through everything in order to be the first to complete the current task and this causes a lot of stupid mistakes to happen. It is best to go at your own pace and slow yourself down to think things through.

I think teams of at least four are a good idea because that involves a lot of people contributing their own individual ideas and collaborating to make something new, however.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Jordan. I do not like working in groups either, and I think it is better to work in large groups too. Unless, once again, some of the group members are dumb or slow then they don't do anything.
