Thursday, October 7, 2010

Journal 13

I think school spirit is a really important thing to a high school. Especially in recent weeks our high school has had a really rough time with things we have been forced to deal with and ways we have been forced to grow up. I think as a whole this spirit week has been greatly needed to lighten the spirit. Tiffany's passing has brought us all together as a school but that remembrance that brings us together also, understandably, makes us sad. This week of us coming together as a school for something more light-hearted and fun was a welcome change.

Spirit is important in anything you do, and a sense of unity makes anything you do go over better. The sense of pulling together as a class that we have been experiencing this week is fun.

On the flipside, too much spirit can be a bad thing. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in having spirit that we do not even focus on what we are even supposed to be having spirit about. Then we tend to turn on each other or take things to extremes.The classes get so wrapped up in competing against each other that they turn against the other classes in an unhealthy way or even turn against each other, then we start to have problems. Sometimes harmless pranks against other classes escalate and get out of hand. Also, sometimes people in the class simply do not have what they need to dress up for a certain day and do not really have the money or the opportunity to get the proper costume and therefore they dress up. Then people who are so caught up in the "school spirit" get mad at those people for not dressing up even though they could not do anything about it. That victimizes people and takes spirit to a bad place, and that is when we end up getting our spirit weeks or certain parts of our spirit weeks taken away.

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