Monday, October 18, 2010

Journal 15

I use logic and reason in pretty much every part of my life. I am the type of person who has conflicting tendencies as far as how I behave towards certain situations. I am a blue-green so I think both with my head and my heart I suppose you could say. But the green side of my mind is very analytical and thinks things through from every possible angle and thoroughly before I do anything.

I think about even the most minute details and analyze them in my everyday life. I try to dissect every single meaning in everything that people around me do. This might sound kind of weird but I love to people watch and see how people interact with each other. I guess that is the writing part of me coming out. I am fascinated by the way people think and deal with others around them. Maybe I should be a psychologist. Anyway, because I like to spend so much time thinking about everything that somebody does could possibly mean, I tend to over-analyze every action that people take around me. This can get mind-numbing because there are so many possibilities for what someone means by something, but nevertheless it is my nature and I cannot stop it.

I also clearly use logic in school. When I'm doing my homework a lot of times you have to use concepts and twist them around to do what you want with them. Equations have to be manipulated, story problems have to be analyzed and a course has to be chosen, and of course in English you have to think deeply sometimes about what hidden points an author is trying to make with every word they choose.

I love literature and reading because so often you find hidden meanings that are not easily detectable if you are not looking for them. So many times people write things with an obvious surface meaning but a deeper underlying meaning that they are hoping somebody will be able to find. This kind of challenge is something that I love. I believe sometimes writers even place hidden meanings inside their texts subconsciously and they themselves do not realize they are doing it.

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