Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Journal 24

There have been several times in my life when I became anxious or scared because I thought I heard something I really did not hear.

One specific time was when I was about ready to go to sleep and I was reading a book. Now my room is in the basement and nobody else is down there so it can be freaky all because of that, let alone when you start to freak yourself out. So anyway there I am reading and it is around 11:30 at night and all the sudden I swear I hear somebody tapping on my window. I have one of those egress windows in my room so I thought maybe somebody was tapping on it from the outside.

I live in Salem Estates and there have been a lot of robberies lately, so I was already kind of paranoid about that. So then when I heard the tapping on the window I thought somebody was trying to get to me through that window. Nevertheless, I told myself that I was just hearing something and went back to reading. About a minute later I swore I heard it again. But once again I went back to reading my book. Then I heard it again and I got really freaked out that time. I started thinking about all those horror movies where people just ignore it when they hear something sketchy and then they end up dead. So I ran upstairs and told my parents what I heard. My stepdad went outside to check it out and came back a few minutes later and said he did not see a single thing out there. Still, I was scared so I decided to spend the rest of the night upstairs in my brother's room. Around 1 in the morning I woke up and decided I had to go back down to my room because otherwise I wouldn't have my alarm to wake me up, but I was too scared to go by myself. So I woke my brother up and made him go with me.

Obviously in the end nothing ended up happening to me and it was all in my head, but nevertheless it was still really scary.

1 comment:

  1. It must have taken quite a bit of self esteem to post that. Good job. And keep up the interesting writing.
