Monday, November 15, 2010

Journal 23

I would love to be able to spend a one week camping trip where I really lose all contact with technology. I mean honestly I would kinda hate it a lot but at the same time I think it would be really good for me. I have tried to spend time doing things without my phone at all a few times but I have never tried to limit myself to no technology at all. I think it would be extremely difficult for me to lose my music and my phone at the same time, because if I am not involved in one at a particular time I am involved with the other.

I think I would spend all of my time writing. I would probably end up writing a lot of poems and thoughts down in a special book that I write everything down in. I think that would be incredibly good for me to spend a weekend where I have nothing else to do and therefore I focus my attention on writing.

I would also got on a lot of hikes I think. If I had my bike I'd bike some trails and also hike them on foot. This happened to me at one point because my family went on a vacation to Branson and we found this huge nature place full of trails that you could explore. When we got inside we figured out that there was no cell phone service there. So this is the place where I wandered around, rode the bike trails, hiked the other trails by foot, and wrote my summer blogs. It was very peaceful and wonderful and I would love to be able to do it for a week.

I think it would also be very nice because I would spend a lot of time with my family. It would be more like their generation growing up and the generation before theirs where people would sit around and talk to each other and tell stories in order to entertain themselves rather than being solitary and amusing themselves with their individual gadgets.

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