Thursday, November 11, 2010

Journal 22

I know you might not agree with this, but in Romanticism they put value on true love and all of that and the romantic heroes and everything. So one time I helped a friend break a rule in order to be with the person that she loves. It was not a law that I broke, but it was a rule of this girl's parents. We'll call her Ashley and we'll call her boyfriend Steve.

So Steve is a freshman in college and Ashley is a junior in high school. However, Ashley and Steve have known each other since Steve was a junior in high school and Ashley was a freshman in high school. They have been friends since then, and her grandparents were okay with that. Then they began liking each other towards the end of last year, which was Steve's senior year and Ashley's sophomore year. Her grandparents were okay with their relationship then, but as soon as Steve got into college her grandparents said that they could not date anymore. By this time they had been friends for over two years and dating for about three months and they cared about each other a lot. So, naturally, both Ashley and I thought that it was unfair of her grandparents to say they could no longer date simply because he was now a college student. He was the same boy he had been for three years.

So one day Ashley's car broke down and she did not have it for the following two weeks. On a Sunday of one of these weeks Ashley really wanted to spend the day with Steve but she had no way to see him without her grandparents finding out. Getting there was no problem because she had her grandparents drop her off at the mall. However the getting home part was tricky. So she called me and she asked me if I would take her home if Steve dropped her off at my house. So that is what we did. I felt bad because I helped her deceive her grandparents, but I felt as though it were for a noble cause and so I went through with it anyway.

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