Friday, November 5, 2010

Journal 20

Self-reflection and taking a break from society are very important to me. Sometimes I feel as though I am too reliant on all of the technology that I am surrounded by on a daily basis. I hardly ever go even a half an hour without my phone, for example. When I do not have it nearby to check about once every two minutes I kinda freak out a little bit. I know this because I tried to give my phone up for three days over the summer once. That did not end so well. I am pretty sure I made it maybe half a day tops. So sometimes I try to slowly limit myself and other times I just give in and use it anyway.

Sometimes things just do not go your way for a day or a week or a month or maybe even a year. You feel like everything is just unfair and people just constantly keep letting you down and you do not know what to do. It is these teams that I feel like I need to just kinda get away. That is where getting away from society comes in. If I cannot completely get away from everything, I usually go outside and jump on my trampoline for awhile. It is usually pretty quiet in my neighborhood and I just kind of chill out there and get my peace of mind back.

I also use writing for self-reflection. When I come up with something that is bothering me that I just kind of need to get out I write it all down in this book I have. I guess it could be considered a journal in a way but I don't write in it regularly, just when I need it. Then I go back later and read what was bothering me at the time and most of the time it has already been solved and everything turns out okay. But it's also nice to have when I have a problem and I can go back and see what I did in certain situations.

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