Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Journal 19

My ideal United States would simply be going back to the values that the people in our generation have tossed by the wayside throughout the years. I am a religious person, but I agree with the idea that state and religion should be separated. Freedom of religion, or lack thereof, is a very important part of what has made our country great. However, most of the other changes that we have made over the years since this country was settled by British immigrants are not good ones.

I wish for a world where we could go anywhere and still feel safe. I wish for a world where we did not have to lock our doors for fear of thieves coming in our houses and stealing things or harming us. I wish we could stop by the side of the road to help someone in trouble without worrying about harm befalling us. I wish parents could have peace of mind when their children left their houses when the sun came up on weekends and came home at dusk because nobody would ever dare harm them. I wish everybody could trust everybody to do the good and honorable thing all the time. I wish everybody quit worrying about things and just lived and helped each other instead of being obsessed with themselves all of the time. I wish the court systems were just and could always find the right verdicts. I wish for a country that kept their promises and therefore was not billions of dollars in debt because they spent money they did not have.

However all of that is an idea. There is evil in the world and therefore there will never be perfect peace and happiness as long as we are here. Nobody can possibly do the right thing all the time. But there was a time in this country when people did not have to worry as much about crime and sexual abuse and murder. There will always be worries, to worry is human, but they do not have to be worries like that.

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