Sunday, August 22, 2010

We Instead of I in Grapes of Wrath

The author has figured out the way to fix the problem of the great depression in chapter fourteen of Grapes of Wrath. I know that sounds ridiculous and extreme because of course no one man could have perfectly found a way to solve something that great minds must have been working overtime to puzzle out themselves. No, I am not saying he had a quick fix to eliminate all the turmoil and trouble of that time. what I am saying is that he took a good hard look at all sides of the people during that time and realized the idea that would save them all. And that iea is that allof the people need to start thinking as more of a 'we' than an 'I'. This means that those people who have a lot can give of the plenty that they have to those who do not have what they need. I know this sounds like a ridiculous concept to those whohave much because that would just be ch arity and why should they give of what they have? Well, that answer is more shielded than the other. That answer is that those who have much need those who do not to keep their land alive. They need the heart and soul of the tenant farmers to keep the world from turning into an impersonal place where machines do what a man used to do with a sense of pride and dedication. Those with plenty will realize that if they can stop suspecting their fellow people and extend a hand of friendship and teamwork towards them. As the following quote states, the key is to make things more of a team effort.

"..For two men are not as lonely and perplexed as one. And from this first 'we' there grows a still more dangerous thing. 'I have a little food' plus 'I have none.' If rom this problem the sum is 'We have a little food,' the thing is on its way, the movement has direction.

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