Sunday, August 22, 2010

Grampa and Granma Joad in Grapes of Wrath

I believe the author uses granma and grzmpa as a sort of comic relief in the story. Despite the horrible but true fact that the entire novel thusfar has been filled with mainly terrible pain and bitter sadness, the stories about grampa's antics have always lightened the mood a bit with his strong opinions and spitfire ways. Nowin keeping with that that the reader has finally been introduced to the pair, one finds them incredibly refreshing because they enable him or her to be able to laugh aloud at something in what has been up until this point a consistent, exceedingly dismal book with more than its fiar share of hardship.

Grampa Joad is truly an incredibly fascinating character. He reminds one of a person who has been in a war or something of that natrue and is constantly being overcome by something and shooting at tit. He is very rowdy and full of extremely strong opinions that he has no qualms about voicing for the world to hear. He also tends to find himself jumping back and forth from one train of thought to the other and his opinions shift in keeping with that. Whther it is the middle of the night or midday, he alwasys seems to think that the world revolves around what he wants to do. He gets great delight and fancy out of any sort of mischief that is going adn gets so lost in the craziness that he has been known to throw out a hip or two.

Granma is also extremely interesting in her own right. SHe never seems to give one hoot about whatever herhusband is talking about at the time, but she also finds him very funny. She is always going on and on about somethign that has nothing to do with anything grampa is saying, even if he happens to be in the middle of talking. They are such a classic old married couple where they annoy each other to no end but enjoy each other all the samet hat it makes the reader immensely enjoy himself or herself.

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