Saturday, August 21, 2010

Greed in Grapes of Wrath

Chapter seven of Grapes of Wrath follows the infamous greediness and cheating of a used car salesman's day. The writing the author uses is perfect for the section because it consists of little tidbits that practically run together and give the illusion that the dialogue is moving along very quickly and impatiently. I really enjoyed the way the chapter was presented. The author was also very affective in his desired point which was to makek you realize even more how unfortunate these poor people are who are weasled out of their possessions and money every way they turn. The people who are in a position of power abuse it to no end and use the people's desperation as a tool to make themselves richer and more powerful. They also abuse the people's good natures by guilt-tripping them into buying cars because they spent so much of the dealer's time. These weasels blatantly lie to the people's faces even as they can see how destitute and desperate they really are, and they do not even care. They simply keep plugging away and use their system and the people's desperation to gain more and more for themselves. I believe these kind of people who existed back when most average people were still good and decent and honorable were the ones who eventually corrupted even the most ocmmon people until it got to teh point that it is at today where nobody can just take anybody's word at face value wihtout it blowing up in their face. These are the kind of people who robbed our generation of its ability to function on the honor system and with trust towards others. Had these people never given into their greed and temptation we might still live in a world where a man's word meant something rather than being just another reason to be wary and careful. Today if someone gives you their word it means nothing. Words are meaningless, only contracts and laws to protect are truly reliable.

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