Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Grapes of Wrath

Things are beginning to heat up between all of the migrants and the landowners in the novel. There has always been a power struggle between the people, but they are growing uneasy and itching for a time of revolt. They are ready to finally throw off the oppressive yoke of working so hard and getting nothing in return for their endless toils while others sit around on top of all of their riches and swat them down as they try to climb the social ladder to a place where they can possess a respectful home and build a family by earning a respectable wage at a decent job. At this point during some time while reading the whole novel the reader has probably been speculating in his or her mind as to what the title means. One might have formed some kind of idea based upon the fact that surely these people are feeling lots of wrath based upon the unjust way they are being treated despite how hard they work, but one has to wonder where the part about the grapes will play in. Well, it is from this time of revolt and suffering that the title of the novel is born. The quote is as follows:

"In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath are growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage." In other words, the people's wrath and resentment is building and growing, heavier and heavier all the time, to the point where it is almost ready to bust open with the violence that has been building beneath the surface. Pretty soon they will forget all of their worries about what will happen and they will simply have to revolt because they cannot take it anymore. Unfortunately, times like these and the price of freedom are paid with the cost of people's lives such as Jim Casy which is illustrated by his senseless murder by policemen just itching to pick a fight. All that is left for them is to hope that all they are fighting and sacrificing their lives for will eventually pay off and they will finally be able to lead happy lives once more.

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