Saturday, August 21, 2010

Frustration with Banks in Grapes of Wrath

The author helps illustrate just how hopeless and frustrating it is for the destitute families in the classic novel the Grapes of Wrath to get revenge on the greedy, corporate people who are ruining their lives by showing all the ways these money-driven monsters are deceiving the people and wearing them down. The greedy companies and and people who are driving everybody off the land are incredibly crafty and smart in the way they go about doing it. In order to avoid harm coming to themselves they simply blame it on the companies themselves and say that no single person or group of people is responsible, the company has simply become an entity in itself adn there is just no stopping it. By doing this they make it impossible for the wronged people to seek justice in the way that they traditionally seek it, which is to kill whoever is killing them and taking away everything they have. Instead of telling the people who is responsible, the spokespoeople show the people how there is a long trail to follow in which every step receives their orders from an even more untouchable source than the last, all the way up the chain until the people can no longer take it. In this way the people grow tired of being angry and trying to figure out a place t o direct that angry and instead a grim sort of acceptance settles in. The greedy corporations use the people's morals against them and their unwillingness go wrongfully punish somebody for the wrongs committed to them if that person is not wholly responsible. The spokespeople make it seems as though they themselves are also victimes in this nightmare by saying that they cannot help what is happening either because they simply have to take their orders from the higher authorities who tell them what they have to do, and they say if they do not do what the authorities say they will be eliminated as well. This is all part of the game they are playing though because they try to hide behind the corporations and say it is the corporation talking, not people, but a corporation is obviously run by people it does not run itself and somebody out there has to be giving the orders that make the corporation's decisions.

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