Friday, January 14, 2011

Journal 31

I would not say I have ever had a day dream that got me out of a bad situation. However, I have had a regular dream that got me out of a bad situation, or rather it helped me avoid a bad situation.

One time I had a dream that I forgot something at home. In my dream I went home after forgetting it and searched for hours until I finally found where it was that I had forgotten it, and I was freaking out the whole time that the dream lasted because it was a big paper that I had to turn in and I was going to get a zero because I did not have it. I had accidentally left it under a notebook in my closet I believe, somewhere that I would not have thought of it being. Then I woke up from the dream and I realized that I had, in fact, left that paper exactly where it was in my dream, and I know I would have forgotten it in real life if I had not had that dream. So basically that dream saved me from making a huge mistake.

Yet another time I was writing another paper in the early evening and I fell asleep. While asleep I dreamed that there was a lightning storm and it fried my computer and therefore I lost my entire paper and also my computer was damaged. When I woke up about an hour later, my mom came downstairs to tell me that there was a lightning storm getting ready to happen. Remembering my dream, I saved my paper and turned off the computer until the lightning storm passed. Now of course I'll never know if the computer would have been struck had I not turned it off, but I would like to think that my dream was a sort of prophecy in a way. It makes me feel special to think that.

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