Thursday, January 6, 2011

Journal 28

I convince my little brothers and sisters to do things that I want them to do all the time. They are really little so it is actually kind of a joke to convince them, because it does not take too much effort at all. With my brother, all I have to do is play on his little boy pride and act like I do not think he is big enough to do something I want him to do. If I want him to go upstairs and get me something I will just say "Hey Joshua, will you go upstairs and get my computer?" And when he says no, I just say "Oh, yeah. I forgot that you are not big enough to carry it all by yourself. Maybe in a couple years you can." And then he gets all mad and goes "No way! I am so big enough to carry it!" and then off he goes. In my mind, yes, I know it is wrong. But the thing is... I do not really care. Haha. I never ask him to do anything that would get him in trouble or influences him negatively. I simply ask him to do things I am too lazy to do myself.
With my sister it is pretty easy. She is seven and she loves me very much and is constantly trying to please me. So with her if I ask her to do something she usually just does it without a lot of convincing, especially if I say "Hey Lauren, I love you," before I ask her. Then she says I love you too and goes off to do whatever I want. It's a great setup.
My oldest younger brother, Noah, is a little trickier to convince. With him it usually involves some kind of bribe. Usually if I offer to let him play a game on my phone he will do whatever I want. His favorite is this super boring basketball game that he nonetheless loves.

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