Thursday, January 6, 2011

Journal 27

Perseverance is one of the most important qualities to have as a human in our world today. Most people are aware of the commonly known idea that life is not fair. Since our youth we have been taught that life is not fair and things will most definitely not always go our way. Because of this, we are likely to fail in many endeavors that we set our minds to at times. Life does not care if you are pursuing your dreams or if the thing you are shooting for is the most important thing you have ever done. Regardless, it will still break your dreams at times and make you feel like you cannot accomplish them. This is when perseverance comes into play. Some people, when faced with the previously mentioned difficulties, would just throw in the towel and surrender. They will simply say that there is no way they will succeed because they failed once, and therefore there is no point in continuing.

But then, there are the other people who have what we like to call perseverance. Perseverance is the act of pressing on, even when the going gets tough. You know, when the going gets tough, the tough get going and all that? That is perseverance. Imagine what we never would have had in our world if people just gave up because things did not always come easy for them. What if Thomas Edison had given up every time he failed at creating the lightbulb? According to legends he failed about a thousand times with as many different prototypes. But instead of deciding to just give up, he said that he did not fail at creating the light bulb a thousand times, he simply discovered a thousand ways how not to create a light bulb. By using that philosophy, he continued to work at it and eventually he created arguably one of the most important things our world has ever developed. He is a great example of why we should always keep persevering.

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