Friday, March 11, 2011

Journal 40

I think that Self is a very important part of who we are. It is all about the way that we perceive ourselves and wish to portray ourselves to others. I think Self is both a sense of who you are and also who other people think you are. However, who you personally think you are is way more important than who others think you are because sometimes you keep parts of yourself back from people because you are too afraid to let them see your true Self. Still though, the way other people perceive you is also important because sometimes we can become jaded and think that we come off a certain way when in fact we are not.

I know several people who think they act and are one way, but in fact they truthfully are not like that at all. They believe they are selfless people who always work for others when in reality they spend all of their time preoccupied with themselves and not doing anything for anybody else. Sometimes people work so hard to eliminate certain bad qualities in themselves that other ones come shining out. For example, some people work so hard to suppress their anger that they become preoccupied with other things such as looks or something else that they become susceptible to due to their focus on the other aspect they are trying to work on.

I think Self is the person that you are deep down inside yourself that has not been touched by anyone else. However, I still think that experiences that people go through in their lives are part of what shapes them to become who they are. But your true self is still just the person that you are without trying to emulate anyone else. We spend so much of our lives trying to be like other people that we never quite stop to figure out how we would handle a certain situation ourselves, without the opinion of others. That personal opinion that comes to you all on your own, that gut feeling, is the one that comes from your true Self. It is incredibly important that we each find a way to access our true selves.

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