Friday, March 11, 2011

Journal 32

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. Every year when Christmas break happens my family decides to put up the Christmas tree together. My family is pretty busy most of the year, what with everybody running around and doing their own various activities, but every year we somehow find a day that we can all get together and participate in the putting up and decorating of the Christmas tree. This is a pretty exciting ordeal for us, and although it has lost some of its appeal since we were younger and believed in Santa Claus, it is still an important part of the Christmas routine.

This year was no different. A few days into Christmas break mom told us it was time to put up the Christmas tree, so we all went downstairs and helped move around boxes of junk in the storage area of our basement so that we could get to the Christmas tree box. Finally we got to it and we hauled it out and up the stairs to the spot that we keep our Christmas tree in the living room. Then we set to work dividing the branches into piles based upon the stripes on their bases. Each different level of branches has a different colored stripe. When we got them all sorted out we began to fan them out and put them on the Christmas tree.

While all of this was taking place, mom turned on some typical Christmas music and we were all dancing around and singing at the top of our lungs. My family likes to do weird things like that. When the Christmas tree branches were all put on, we got out the box of ornaments. We all dove on the box in order to get to our own various ornaments that we have been collecting since we were little kids. Each one is special to us, and we put every single one on the tree. Lastly, we put the angel on the top of the tree. When all of this was complete we set back on the couch, basking in the glow of the lights and admiring our accomplishment. This is one of my favorite parts of Christmas.

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