Friday, April 1, 2011

Job Shadowing Reflection

I had a decent time at my job shadowing yesterday. However, I think I eliminated at least one branch of dietetics that I was exposed to yesterday. I do not think that the second person that I shadowed was employed in the kind of career that I would like to pursue. Her job was to go to the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital and take care of the patients in that unit's dietary concerns. Mainly that revolved around tube feeding or pureed foods. Most of them cannot swallow and some of them had tubes in their mouths to help them breathe so they could not even have a tube in their mouth to feed them, it had to be fed through their nose.

The first person I shadowed had an interesting job though. She worked at Memorial Clinic and saw outpatients. Basically most of her job is having people come into her office and discuss with her the kind of ways they can alter their lifestyle in order to be healthier. She told me the majority of her patients are diabetic, therefore it is incredibly important for them to get the right kind of nutrition to get their blood sugar levels in a safe range. She also saw children who did not get the proper nutrition for any number of reasons.

I also got to discuss college plans and internships with the ladies that I shadowed. They told me the requirements I would have to meet in order to become a nutritionist. I talked to the first lady about how there are other ways to go with it, such as becoming a nutritionist who deals with predominately healthy people that just need to know how to make themselves better.

Overall I thought that it was a very rewarding experience, although I do not think I will be pursuing the careers that these ladies held.

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