Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Declaration of Optimism

I am hereby declaring my belief in the general goodness of optimism. We few people who tend to see the sunny side of life are basically the coolest people ever, I mean no big deal. Truthfully though, when one nation reaches the point in their lives when all hope is lost and everyone is living under a rainy cloud, optimistics are your superheroes. People with a lot of optimism can raise the spirits of five hundred people just by going about their daily business and smiling at people a lot. When you see someone with a bright, sunny smile your natural reaction is to smile too. And even if your day is going terribly and you think the world is ending, no matter if it's fake or not, a smile makes you feel better. Positive endorphins are released that just make you feel better about life. In a sense, they trick your brain into thinking it is happy. And I mean really, who does not need to be tricked into thinking they are happy every once in a while? Because that is all that optimism and happiness is. It's a state of mind.

We optimists truly believe that happiness is a choice that you make. All you have to do is choose to see the sunny side of life rather than the dark one. And maybe when you start out you are just going to be pretending to smile and pretending to be happy. But that's okay. Optimism does not come as naturally to some people as it does to others. Some people have to really work at it. But even if you just start off trying to act happy, eventually it is going to wear off on you and you are truly going to become a happy individual. Happiness and optimism are like an infectious disease that you just catch by being exposed to it every once in a while. It's a wonderful thing, it really is.


  1. Jordan, your blog made me feel a little happier today. Thank you for that.

  2. You have a good writing style. It was simple yet detailed, and you support your declaration. Thanks.

  3. It's a bad declaration. Too happy and idealistic, doesn't take into account bad things in the world and leaves the reader with a warped perception of life.

  4. Aweee I'm so sorry you have such an unhappy life that you have to rain on other people's parade Nance. Would you like a hug? I'm not too worried about your comment because I'm an optimist. However you, I'm afraid, are just going to continue to be sad inside unless you embrace my ideas. So sad. Well, ta-ta for now friend.

  5. Love your declaration of optimism - great scientific support as well as psychological/sociological validation that optimistic people can positively affect others. As Lauren noted, even optimistic written messages can positively affect people. Dylan can use his awesomeness to overcome his negativity.
