Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journal 42

I think if I had lived in the time of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman I would have had to go with Emily Dickinson as far as the person that I would have wanted to read the most.

Emily Dickinson has written a lot of poems that touched my heart in some way. I really like her poem "Hope is the thing with feathers" and also "I am nobody, who are you?" I think that they touch the lives of people who are more introverted than anything. Now I am not exactly what one would call introverted exactly. I spend a lot of time speaking my mind about things. However, I believe that there is kind of an introvert living inside everyone at least to some extent. Some people are only extroverts on the outside so that they keep people at a distance from what is going on on the inside. Some people act as though all of their emotions are projected on the surface, when in fact those are only surface emotions and their true emotions are still hidden deep inside. Now I'm not saying that I hide all of my internal emotions by being an extrovert, but I can understand how some people would use that logic in order to protect themselves.

One thing that I would have found difficult about being a fan of Emily Dickinson, though, was that she kept to herself so much of the time. When I am a fan of someone I like to at least be able to get a glimpse of what their true lives are like. This is not because I'm some kind of crazed fan, but rather because I like to make sure that they are not complete hypocrites. If there's one thing that drives me completely insane it's hypocrisy. So I would have to make sure that she was truly the kind of person that was displayed in her writings and not simply a poser of some sort.

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