Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Journal 35

It would be super intense to be a reporter in the trenches of a war. I think it would be very difficult in many ways. First off, it would be difficult because I think you would feel as though you did not quite belong. The soldiers would be sitting there fighting for their lives and the reporters would just be sitting there writing stuff down about it. I feel like there would definitely be a sense of alienation there.

Another thing that would be difficult would be that it was very dangerous. Going behind the lines without a weapon is a very risky venture. Also, some of the time these reporters are rookies and therefore not used to the battle ground. This could cause them to be a liability during battle because the soldiers would feel a responsibility to protect them while also trying to maintain their own job that they are responsible for. In this way I think if I were a journalist behind the lines of a battle I would feel like more of a hindrance than anything.

I think there would be a lot of excitement involved too though. I am the kind of person that would enjoy being in there with all the action. Any reporter worth anything is the type of person who lives for their story. They love to get in where the action is happening and the bombs are falling and report what they came to figure out. So in that way I think it would be an exhilarating experience. Most reporters would kill for the experience to get some kind of story that most people do not have access to, and they would be willing to do anything to get it, even if that meant putting themselves in harm's way.

So there would be both highly good qualities and terribly bad qualities to being a reporter in the trenches with soldiers during a war.

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